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Home > Iowa State University Digital Repository > Extension and Experiment Station > Bulletin > Vol. 28 (1934) > No. 323


Home > Iowa State University Digital Repository > Extension and Experiment Station > Bulletin > Vol. 28 (1934) > No. 323


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Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Google's smarts built-in. French Alpine dairy goats and border collie, Misty, enjoy the pasture. Photo courtesy of Frederi Viens. To give their fledgling farm a boost, Johnston and Viens applied for the prestigious Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) grant. They were one of just 38 applicants across the United States to receive it in 2019 out of more than 300 applications. Water quality and stream discharge were monitored at six sites on two Nacogdoches County, Texas streams over a nine month period (March - November 1995). Three sites were located in forested watersheds and the other three sites were downstream of pastured watersheds surface-applied with poultry litter, a potential nonpoint source of pollution. Stream water samples were analyzed for Ca, K, Mg.


Though nearly as much land in Iowa is devoted to pasture as to corn, pastures have received very little thought or attention. The reasons why pastures have been given so little consideration are: (1) the lower per acre returns from pasture than from corn, (2) the fact that pasture is more nearly a fixed element in the business, and (3) the somewhat prevalent belief that little or nothing worth the cost can be done to pastures to make them more productive. Pasture is important, however, because it supplies a type of feed which is essential for livestock, and enables the farmer to get a higher return from some rough areas than could be obtained from cultivated crops. Sometimes pasture helps to prevent erosion.

Recommended Citation

Hurd, Edgar B. and Thomas, H. L. (2017) 'The place of pasture in Iowa farming,' Bulletin: Vol. 28 : No. 323 , Article 1.
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